I wanted to write a book that presents the complex life of a police officer.

At home, at work, and how that affects the person. How little things can change so much, how one moment in time can make a difference in someone’s life.

I also wanted to bring a working dog into the picture. I was a dog handler for over six years, and it was one of the best jobs I had. A lot of people love dogs, but they don’t understand how the relationship between a working dog and its handler works. There is the love and connection as with any pet, but so much more.

Finally, I wanted accuracy. I tried my best to make this as real as possible, but not too boring. The subject of human scent and man-trailing is not fully understood and challenging to explain. I spent a little more time here because I felt it was important for the reader to “buy-in” to the concept.

I have a lot of friends who are experts in a variety of areas related to this book. Each reviewed my writing and gave me a few corrections. If there are any errors in the book, they are mine alone.

Big Dogs has just a bit of profanity and a little blood and is not recommended for anyone who might be sensitive to those things. If you read the book, I hope you enjoy it and give me some feedback. Authors love positive reviews, so if you liked it, please post it here, on Amazon or on Goodreads. 

 Thank you!